Courses Taught
Great Books Summer Program: Since 2013 I have taught courses for high school students in Amherst, Stanford, and Peking University (Beijing) on topics including:
The Physics, Psychology, Poetics, and Philosophy of Time
Moral Dilemmas
Our Lives as Animals
Justice and Law
Spring 2016:
London, England, Britain: Nat'l Identities and Their
Museum Narratives
Fall 2015:
Dirty Wars and Democracy
The Past, Present, and Future of Higher Education
Spring 2015:
The Mexican Revolution
Latin American History: State & Nation since Independence
Fall 2014:
Dirty Wars and Democracy
Spring 2013:
Latin America in the U.S. Imagination
Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge
Fall 2012
Dirty Wars and Democracy
Spring 2013:
Latin America in the U.S. Imagination (HIST 291)
Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge (HIST 469)
Fall 2012
Dirty Wars and Democracy (HIST 293)
Spring 2012
Latin American History: State and Nation since Independence (HIST 110)
Fall 2011
Latin American History: Conquest & Colony (HIST 109)
Brutal Borders: The United States & Mexico in an Age of Globalization (HIST 201)
Spring 2011
The Mexican Revolution (HIST 461)
Steven Volk | Tel: 440-610-5056 | email: |